eSignature Legality Guide

Learn the facts about current eSignature laws, local legal systems and electronic signature technology preferences for countries around the world.

About the Guide

From the company that pioneered electronic signature

Since inception, DocuSign has been on a mission to accelerate business and simplify life for people around the world. Through the Agreement Cloud, we connect and automate how agreements are prepared, signed, acted-on, and managed. And with over 1 million customers and a billion users in 180 countries, we're helping to digitally transform the world.

Continue your digital transformation journey with DocuSign.

Whether you're just starting out or want to expand your use of digital agreements, we can help you with every step of the journey.

Understand the nuances between ‘electronic signatures’ and ‘digital signatures’.

Electronic and digital signatures differ in how each identifies the signer of a document. Electronic signatures use email, IP address, and two-factor authentication, to ensure the identity of the signer. Digital signatures use encrypted digital certificates that are tied to the specific identity of a signer.